Standing up for equal justice, equal opportunity and equal dignity without discrimination

IHRC GENEVA & BHRC have official affiliation working status with the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights.

The African Charter established the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights. The Commission was inaugurated on 2 November 1987 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The Commission’s Secretariat has subsequently been located in Banjul, The Gambia.

In addition to performing any other tasks, which may be entrusted to it by the Assembly of African Union Heads of State and Government, the Commission is officially charged with three major functions:

  • the protection of human and peoples’ rights
  • the promotion of human and peoples’ rights
  • the interpretation of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights.

about Africa headquaters

The International Human Rights Commission Geneva (IHRC) Africa Region Headquarters Secretariat is a regional authoritative unit and public body that is linked and accountable to the IHRC Geneva Headquarters established in Geneva, Switzerland in 2003 supervised by His Excellency, Dr. Saiful Dildar, the International Secretary General of the IHRC and the BHRC (Bangladesh Human Rights Commission).

The Africa Region Headquarters Secretariat of the IHRC in Nairobi, Kenya is charged with the general duty to promote awareness, understanding and respect for all human rights – economic, social, cultural, civil and political – to everyone, everywhere in Africa, and to encourage best practices in relation to human rights.

about Us

International Human Rights Commission-IHRC is a non-government, non-profitable International Human Rights Organization. The name of the International Executive Committee (IEC) of IHRC was declared on 24th December 2003 in Geneva, Switzerland, the head quarters of UN. The IEC have been established with 24th Member from 24 countries of Asia, Africa, Europe and America. Each member country of United Nations will be member of IHRC. IHRC has been established for eradicating atomic weapons, conducting impartial inquiry of my torture in national or international level, mobilizing public opinion for peace and against war, materializing UN Charter of human rights in each and every country and to make UN a sovereign, neutral and rights organization. The IHRC will gradually take affiliation of UN and International Network bodies.

High Cancel team

His Excellency,

Dr. Saiful I. Dildar

International Secretary General

His Excellency,

Dr. Tivlumun I. Ahure

Director General & Ambassador-at-Large
Africa Region HQ

His Lordship, Most Rev.

Giles E. Anyanwu

Administrator of the IHRC Africa Region Headquarters Secretariat


Africa Culture Initiative

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